Urban Issues

Harbord Village residents deal with challenges arising from the conditions of city living, and HVRA sometimes has a role to play in helping them. The projects listed below show impressive examples of volunteer action and community cooperation. Click on the green headers to go to specific pages.

Burnt house and cars, Ulster Street 2016. Photo by Richard Longley.Fire Safety

House fires are an unfortunate recurring theme. With the Toronto Fire Department, HVRA has prepared a readable pamphlet (available in PDF form) showing safety precautions and ways to prevent fires.

City parking signs on Major StreetTraffic Calming

Speeding traffic and wrong-way driving are recurrent concerns, and  HVRA has supported several initiatives to combat them. Our study of driver behaviour at intersections has already won us a new traffic light. Major and Robert Streets now have speed humps, and other blocks soon will too.

page from 2015 City Noise SurveyNoise

Harbord Village residents and HVRA have responded to the City’s request for input on a new noise bylaw. Meanwhile, we can offer some advice.

design drawing of small park with paths, benches, canopies, trees; people walkling and sittingDoctors’ Parkette (was Brunswick-College Parkette)

HVRA sponsored a design competition in 2011-12, and by 2017 the parkette was finally built. It has a new name to honour community leadership by medical professionals. This page outlines the history and the ongoing transformation.

Laneway ArtGraffiti

HVRA welcomes graffiti as art, but not graffiti as vandalism. This page shows photos of the good kind and outlines efforts to deal with tagging and defacement.

street sign for Kosower Lane, named for family that owns Harbord BakeryLaneway Naming

Toronto Emergency Services asked for laneway names to help identify exact locations, so HVRA named our 23 lanes after notable past residents. The names and reasons for choosing them provide a slice of Toronto history.

Inspector viewing heating equipmentHome Energy Initiatives

HVRA has helped residents take advantage of public incentives for reducing energy use. Retrofitting makes our old houses liveable as well as affordable, and solar energy adds savings.