Harbord Village Gardeners’ Photos

NOTE: For our full range of activities, see the Harbord Village Gardeners main webpage.

2019 Harbord Village Garden Strolls -- flyer

After March 2020, Harbord Village gardeners could no longer gather for weekly strolls around the neighbourhood. But we still walk around the neighbourhood on our own, admiring local gardens as well as enjoying our own patches. This page displays selected photos, grouped in reverse chronological order. The sequence shows seasonal changes and celebrates the range of local gardens and laneways.

  • Thanks to all the gardeners who created the works of art depicted here!
  • And thanks to the photographers: Carly Basian, Leslie Carlin, Janice Dembo, Lindsay Duncan, Elaine Ford, Amy Furness, Sarah Hastie, Kurt Krumme, Elinor Levine, Richard Longley, Marilyn Martin, Angela Miles, Margaret Procter, Susan Purvis, Diane Roblin, Regine Schmid, Nicole Schulman, Merrill Swain, Mina Tommasi, Norman Track, and others.

November 2021

A few flowers remain, but mostly in pots, sometimes indoors. Now it’s trees and shrubs that give colour, even through several early snowfalls.

October 2021

New kinds of flowers come into their own as a warm fall takes hold; some blooms appear unexpectedly. Roses are giving way to rose hips, but kale goes on forever. Time to bring some plants indoors?

September 2021

Colourful blooms continue to feed bees and butterflies, with fruits and seed plumes adding to the dramatic effects.

August 2021

An amazing array of bright and interesting flowers, plants, and shrubs, including the sunflowers and goldenrod we’ve been waiting for. Some of the most striking are wild, often in laneways.

July Glories 2021

Now we see day lilies and other bright midsummer blooms, with unexpected gardens in laneways. Some fruits are ripening, and animal residents become evident: possums are no longer exotic, and wild bees that Lydia Wong studies have deposited their egg packages in her “bee hotels.”

Even More Bloom: Late June 2021

Roses still dominate, but peonies also compete. Astrantia and lavender give delicacy to the show, and clematis and lilies add more drama.

Amazing June 2021

Now everything is bursting out in the full range of colours, sizes, shapes, and types. Roses in many variations, of course, and vines and trees have been spectacular too. Many of these photos were taken from the sidewalk, and show how blooms complement our fences and hardscaping.


Glories of May 2021

With several shots of warm weather, the season roared through our gardens in May. Tree peonies and rhododendrons showed off huge blooms and delicate colours, with other flowers adding mauve and purple to the palette. More trees are flowering too.


Spring 2021 Interrupted and Continuing

The snowfall on April 21 melted almost right away (between 8am and 12 noon in the first two photos here), and spring blossoms then continued apace and mostly unharmed. The famous Sakura cherry blossoms outside Robarts Library recovered perfectly, and the forsythia, tulips and daffodils in Nicole’s sheltered back garden kept bursting with colour.

Early Spring 2021: From Solitary Flowers to Colourful Arrays

Among the flowers depicted here: snowdrops, bloodroot, crocus, dwarf iris, forsythia, flowering almond, Pasqueflower, coltsfoot, violets, pulmonaria, scilla, daffodils, flowering cherry.

Lockdown Winter 2021: Still Interesting


Golden November 2020: Extended Fall Season


Into October 2020: Bees, Trees, and Garden Textures


After the Fall Solstice 2020: Colours, Pollinators, and Seeds


Mid-September 2020: Early Fall Gardens


Late August 2020: Garden Rewards


Late July 2020: Gardens Thriving


Mid-July 2020: Gardens in Full Bloom



May and June 2020: Central Tech Gardens

For a note on how these gardens came about, see the sidebar story of August 1, 2020.





Mid and Late June 2020



Early June 2020



Late May 2020


Early May 2020


PAST Sidewalk Strolls 2018-19