HVRA Events

The HVRA brings local residents together several times a year for seasonal celebrations and other neighbourly activities. This page offers photos and descriptions of past events, with notes on how they are managed. Volunteer and have twice the fun!

  • Bookmark the Calendar of HVRA Events to see basic dates and times for this year’s likely events.
  • Watch the sidebar stories (right-hand side of each webpage) for current announcements.


Picnickers and dog at HVRA Fall FairSeptember Fall Fair

Food, games, music, silent auction, fun for all. See photos and notes from past events.

Carved sun on pumpkin, HVRA PumpkinFest; photo by MaryAnn HendersonPumpkinFest

The evening after Halloween: amazing pumpkins displayed along tables on Harbord, or virtually. Our photo collections are popular.

Marilyn Martin and plants at HVRA Plant FairSpringtime Plant Fair

Early June: gardeners and would-be gardeners welcome. Plants, equipment, books, and advice are all free.

May 2016 Spring Meeting of the HVRAPublic Meetings

May and October: reports, speakers, votes. See notes and photos for winners of community awards and student essay prizes.

Clothes rack at HVRA Yard SaleCommunity Yard Sale

Funds raised in May sales 2012-2017 went to charities. Residents donated, volunteered, shopped, and enjoyed each other’s company.