UPDATE: Read Minutes from the meeting here, and watch Paul Maka’s talk here. ////
Save the date for the Spring 2024 general meeting of HVRA, and use this link to register now. As confirmation for registration, you will receive the Zoom link for the meeting.
Our guest speaker will be Paul Maka of Toronto’s Heritage Planning Department, who will tell us us how Harbord Village can ensure the future of its heritage buildings. We will also conduct regular business and present financial and other reports. There will be breakout rooms for area reps to lead discussion of issues important to each area of Harbord Village. We will hear updates from our councillor and MPP. Finally, we will honour our most recent Community Builder Award winners.
This is a great way to meet your neighbours, find out what’s happening in your community, contribute and be involved. All are welcome to register and attend, but only paid-up HVRA members can vote—so be sure to renew before the meeting. (Check your membership status at harbordvillage.com/membership/member-options.)
Material for the meeting (click on the green links to get PDF files):
- Minutes from the Fall 2023 Annual General Meeting
- 2023 Financial Statement, Budget 2024 Forecast
- Two new board members (already serving; for approval):
- Frances Mary Morrison, North West Area Rep
FM has lived in HV since 1986. Almost her entire career was spent at CBC as a TV producer in current affairs and documentaries. She is currently retired and volunteering with HVRA Gardeners, guarding and tending the street planter at Borden and Lennox. She also learned a positive lesson in the role of neighbourhood representation when her efforts with Area Rep Kerry Clare to get the city to clean up Bagpipe and Barbara Barrett Lanes got a successful response. She is keen to contribute to keeping HV clean and assisting her neighbours. - Rosalinda Furlan, Membership Secretary
Rosalinda has lived in HV since 2010. She had a long career as a technical writer, developing documents as diverse as standard operating procedures (SOPs) for responses to bomb threats at Pearson International, how-to manuals for driving on airfields, and user guides for software configuration management software. She then taught ESL to international students, where her curiosity about the convergence of language and identity led her to graduate school at OISE. Her dissertation “Time, Skin, and Language: Becoming Canadian” investigates how 2nd generation immigrants become settler Canadians, focusing on processes of acculturation, racialization, and English-language acquisition. Rosalind enjoys canoeing (flat and white water), canoe camping, hiking – and spending time with her grandchildren, aged 10.5, 8, and 4 months. Rosalinda is active in the community and has most recently volunteered with HVRA’s Pumpkinfest.
- Frances Mary Morrison, North West Area Rep
- Motion to Revise Article 6, HVRA Constitution (introductory explanation; two changes — succession, recruitment of new Chair)